Science News from EPI|Lifestyle 2022
February 28 – March 3, 2023, | Omni Boston Seaport, Boston, Massachusetts
Selected Science from Wednesday
Air Pollution and Cardiovascular Health
#EPILifestyle22 Program Co-Chair Pamela Lutsey, PhD, MPH, FAHA interviews Keynote Lecturer Sanjay Rajagopalan, MD, FACC, FAHA about his presentation on air pollution and heart-healthy living.
See a 60-second Quick Take of Dr. Rajagopalan explaining his science
Food Sustainability and Heart-Healthy Living
#EPILifestyle22 Program Co-Chair Pamela Lutsey, PhD, MPH, FAHA interviews Keynote Lecturer Christopher P. Gardner, PhD, FAHA about his presentation on food sustainability and heart-healthy living.
Watch Dr. Gardner's 60-second Quick Take on Food Sustainability
Dr. Gardner's second Quick Take: AHA Commitment to Sustainability and Heart-Healthy Living
The Effect of Acculturation on Cardiovascular Risk Factors in Asian American Subgroups
Moderator Mahasin S. Mujahid, PhD, MS, FAHA interviews Eugene Yang, MD about the study his co-investigators presented during #EPILifestyle22 in Chicago.
More science from Wednesday
Early Menopause May Raise Risk of Dementia Later in Life
Wenting Hao | Shandong University, Jinan, China
Study finds blood pressure cuff size matters, affects blood pressure readings
Tammy M Brady | Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD
Selected science from Thursday
Nutrition in the 21st Century: The David Kritchevsky Memorial Lecture
Randomized Trial of a Healthy Weight Intervention for Youth with Mental Illness (CHAMPION)
Liliana Aguayo, PhD, MPH interviews Nae-yuh Wang, PhD, MS about the results of the Champion Trial looking at a lifestyle intervention for reducing the risk of long term cardiovascular risk factors like obesity in young adults with serious emotional disturbances (SEDs).
More science from Thursday
Dietary patterns may explain differing CVD rates among Hispanic/Latino groups in U.S.
Yi-Yun Chen, MD, MSc
Diet may play a role in development of pregnancy complications among Hispanic/Latina women
Luis E. Maldonado, PhD, MPH
Resistance exercise may be superior to aerobic exercise for getting better ZZZs
Angelique Brellenthin, PhD
Selected science from Friday
Richard D. Remington Methodology Lecture: Do Lifestyle Interventions Work?
Alanna M. Chamberlain, PhD, MPH, FAHA interviews Miguel Hernán, MD, DrPH about his lecture Richard D. Remington Methodology Lecture "Do Lifestyle Interventions Work?: The Promises and Challenges of Causal Inference from Cohort Studies," which he presented during EPILifestyle 2022 in Chicago.
2022 Stamler Award Winner for Trends in Hypertensive Disorders of Pregnancy, 1995-2019
Erin D. Michos, MD, MHS, FAHA interviews Natalie A Cameron, MD, the 2022 winner of the Jeremiah and Rose Stamler Research Award for New Investigators for her study, "Trends In Hypertensive Disorders Of Pregnancy Among Nulliparous Individuals With Singleton Live Births In The United States: An Age-period-cohort Analysis Between 1995-2019."
Watch Dr. Cameron's Quick Take explaining her science in 71 seconds
Jeremiah and Rose Stamler Research Award for New Investigators

Trends In Hypertensive Disorders Of Pregnancy Among Nulliparous Individuals With Singleton Live Births In The United States: An Age-period-cohort Analysis Between 1995-2019
Natalie A Cameron | Department of Medicine, Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine, Chicago, IL

Wendy Wang | University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN

Hao Ma | Tulane University, Metairie, LA

Andrew O. Agbaje | University of Eastern Finland, Kuopio, Finland

Amelia S Wallace | JH Bloomberg School of Public Health, Baltimore, MD