Abstracts and Awards – BCVS Scientific Sessions 2024

2024 Poster Guidelines

General Information

The Poster Hall for BCVS 2024 is in Salon A at the Hilton Chicago Hotel.

A poster presentation consists of a visual display of research highlights on a fiberboard background combined with an interpersonal question and answer period. The content of an effective poster presentation should be direct, focused, and concise. Investigators are required to be available for a specified period of time to discuss methods and results with interested visitors and colleagues.

In addition to the traditional poster format, poster abstract presenters will be invited to upload their posters electronically. Each poster board will have a QR code tag that will allow attendees to view poster information through their smart phones and listen to the author’s discussion of the study through a pre-recorded audio/video file. Additional information will be sent to presenters in June.

REMINDER! Please include all authors’ disclosure information in your poster. Please ensure that it is visible to attendees viewing the poster.

Poster Presenter Guidelines

  • Poster set-up times are noted below. Investigators are required to be available for a specified period of time to discuss methods and results with interested visitors and colleagues. Your notification letter provided the dates and times of your presentation.
  • The poster should remain in place for the entire time of the scheduled poster session.
  • The poster board number should correspond with the pre-assigned number printed in the final program and provided in your notification letter.
  • The final conference program (which will be included on the conference Web site and distributed at the conference) will include the detailed information for each presentation.
  • It is essential that you remove your materials immediately after the end of your presentation time because the room will be cleared at that time to make room for the next session or other conference activities. If a poster is not removed at the end of the poster period, the AHA staff will assume that the presenter wants the poster material discarded.
  • Failure to present deprives the audience and leaves a space in the program that might have been filled by another presenter. Due to the competitive nature of the program, any unexplained absences may result in the American Heart Association refusing to consider your abstracts at any future meetings.
BCVS 2024 Poster Hours
Date Set-Up Time Presentation &
Attendance Time

Tear-Down Time
Session 1:
Mon., July 22
Monday, July 22
Noon to 4:00 p.m.
Monday, July 22
4:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.
Tuesday, July 23
before 9:00 a.m.
Session 2:
Tues., July 23
Tuesday, July 23
Noon to 4:00 p.m.
Tuesday, July 23
4:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.
Wednesday, July 24
before 9:00 a.m.
Session 3:
Wed., July 24
Wednesday, July 24
Noon to 4:00 p.m.
Wednesday, July 24
4:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.
Thursday, July 25
before 9:00 a.m.


  • All presented abstracts (poster and oral presentations) with a completed Abstract Copyright Transfer Agreement completed at time of submission, will be published in the online edition of the ATVB journal exactly as submitted.
  • Requests for withdrawal of an abstract must be received in writing by April 15, 2024 to avoid publication on the web.

Again this year, we will be offering ePosters to extend the reach of our poster presenters' research. Poster authors are encouraged to submit a single or multi-page electronic version of their poster file to complement their printed poster. Full information regarding ePosters is included in these guidelines and on the conference Website under resources for presenters.

Vascular Discovery is offering ePosters, including QR codes. Gain greater and long term exposure and visibility to your poster by making it available online as an electronic file. All posters in the Poster Hall will be provided a corresponding QR Code on their poster board. This will allow the opportunity to scan the code with a smartphone or camera- equipped tablet and view the ePoster (electronic version of the poster), along with the abstract, and any audio narration or video (if provided by the author). Instructions for uploading your ePoster and other media will be emailed to you in early April from [email protected].

Poster Printing

The AHA offers discounted poster printing through our preferred poster service provider, Digital Acumen. We recommend you take advantage of the easy and convenient service to have your poster printed, shipped to the meeting and hung on the poster board for you. Further information will be emailed to you in early April from [email protected].

Both ePoster files and poster print files are uploaded through the same link that will be emailed to you with your log in credentials by early April.

Please check your Spam/Junk filter if you do not see the emails in your Inbox.

Poster Preparation Guidelines

Poster boards are 4 ft high x 8 ft wide (1.2 m high x 2.4 m wide) less a 2 in (5 cm) frame on all four sides. The surface is fabric-covered fiberboard contained in a 2 in (5 cm) wide aluminum frame and firmly supported on "A-frame" legs. The display stands approximately 7 ft (2.1 m) high.

Note: a 4.24 inch x 11 inch card (10.8 cm x 27.9 cm) card containing your poster’s QR code will be placed on the left side (mid-level) of the board. Please do not cover this card. See diagram below.

A graphic showing poster placement for a scientific poster during an AHA meetings. Left Graphic says: QR Code Tag (4.25x11") to be placed on the left side of the board, mid-level. DO NOT REMOVE. Poster Board area: traditional posters can be up to 4 feet high and 7.5 feet wide.

Your presentation should contain succinct headings that organize and logically display the information. Graphics should be explicit and brief. Elaboration is best done verbally -- just as if it were an oral presentation using slides. A short legible "Introduction" and a "Summary of Conclusions" are essential.

The poster display should focus on:

  • Hypothesis or Objectives
  • Methods
  • Results or Outcomes

All illustrations (figures, tables, diagrams, equations, etc.) should be developed beforehand. Keep text and figure legends explicit and brief. Illustrations must be read from distances of approximately 4’. Charts, drawings, and illustrations should be similar to those you would use in making slides.

Pushpins and velcro will be provided to mount your poster materials. Do not mount your presentation materials on heavy poster board because they may be difficult to keep in position.

Do not write or draw on the poster board surface or use adhesive putty.

Design, Materials and Production

Sources for Design and Production

  • Art department of your institution
  • Commercial art schools
  • Commercial artists
  • Graphic designers
  • Advertising Agencies

Background Materials

  • Color sheets and film overlays
  • Matte and glossy surfaces, most self-sticking brands – Pantone color paper, Pantone color/tint overlays, chartpak
  • Hot press illustration board -very smooth, less absorbent surface than regular grade

Printing and Drawing

  • Color keys
  • Computer systems that are capable of generating large, readable type
  • Professionally set type
  • Press type (rub on)
  • Geotype, Letraset, Chartpak, Formatt
  • Border tape (rub on) Same brands as above

Readability of Posters

Poster sessions are viewed by a large audience. To accommodate a group at a single poster presentation, the size of the lettering (type) must be large enough to be legible at a distance of approximately 6 feet (1.8m). The 6 best color combinations to use are listed below. Remember the key is choosing contrasting colors and shades. Simple use of color can add emphasis effectively.

  • Black on white
  • Red on white
  • Green on white
  • Blue on white
  • White on blue (no diazo)
  • White on black

If the presentation is typeset, choose a typeface (design of the type) that is particularly simple and clear (Helvetica, for example). The weight of the type chosen (the thickness of each letter) should be medium or bold.

The actual size of the type is measured in "Points." To be legible at a distance of eight feet, the minimum type size used should be 30 points. Below are suggestions of type for viewing at various distances.

Legible point sizes
To be Legible at: Use this point size:
8 feet 30 pt. M
10 feet 48 pt. M
14 feet 72 pt. M

2024 Moderator Guidelines & Responsibilities

Session Format

All program participants should arrive at the location their session 15-30 minutes prior to the beginning of the session. The moderators should confirm attendance of all presenters. The Speaker Ready Room is in the Grand Tradition Room (Lobby Level), Hilton Chicago.


BCVS24 Speaker Ready Room
Date Hours Open
Mon,. July 22 6:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Tuesday, July 23 7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Wednesday, July 24 7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Thursday, July 25 7:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m.

Moderators & Presenter Disclosure: Mandatory for CE requirements

  • All moderators and presenters must include an opening slide listing any disclosures. [Disclosure slide template (PPTX)] For presenters, if unlabeled use of a commercial product, or an investigational use not yet approved for any purpose is discussed, the presenter must also include a slide disclosing that the product is not labeled for the use under discussion or that the product is still investigational. The presenter must also verbally disclose this use to the audience.
  • If the presenter fails to display a disclosure slide, it is the responsibility of the moderator to ask the presenter if there are any relationships to disclose before he proceeds with the presentation.
  • If the presenter references work within his presentation previously published by another author, he must include a complete citation at the bottom of the appropriate slide.
  • Presenters must exclude any information that may compromise or violate patient confidentiality.


Call to Order

  • Arrive in the meeting room 15-30 minutes in advance and introduce yourself to the speakers.
  • The moderator will address the audience 5-10 minutes prior to session start time and inform them that they should be seated, as the meeting will begin shortly. The moderator will remind attendees that recording of sessions by video or still photography is prohibited. Only if permission is obtained from the speaker, non-flash photography is acceptable.

Convene the Session

  • The moderator will call for audience attention, introduce him/herself and the co-moderator(s) and announce the overall subject of the session.
  • All speakers are required to begin their presentation with a disclosure slide. If a slide is not included in a speaker’s presentation or if the speaker fails to verbally disclose commercial relationships and/or discussion of unlabeled/unapproved uses of products, please ask the speaker to give a verbal disclosure statement.
  • The moderator will remind attendees that recording of sessions by video or still photography is prohibited (see policy below):

Photography and Audio/Visual Recording Policy

Unauthorized recording of the AHA Basic Cardiovascular Sciences Scientific Sessions is prohibited, whether by video, still or digital photography; audio; or any other recording or reproduction mechanism. This includes recording of presentations and supporting A/V materials and of poster presentations and supporting poster materials. The American Heart Association and American Stroke Association reserve the rights to all recordings or reproductions of presentations at AHA/ASA scientific conferences and meetings.

Science shared by investigators at the meeting is confidential and often unpublished data. Taking photos of meeting room slides is considered intellectual piracy and unethical. Attendees who ignore this policy will be asked to leave the educational session and are at risk of losing their badge credentials.

  • The moderator will introduce the first presenter and begin the session.
  • The moderator will encourage all presenters to adhere to their allotted times, ensure that all presenters comply with disclosure (see below), and will open the floor to questions at the appropriate times. A speaker timer on the podium will be in the room to assist the moderator.
  • A moderator’s role is more than just introducing the speakers. In a session that has time for discussion, it is your role to stimulate discussion by either taking questions from the audience or creating topics of your own. The intent is to engage the speaker(s) and the audience into a lively discussion and/or debate. Be prepared with challenging and stimulating questions.
  • When taking questions/comments from the floor, please ask the audience participant to verbally disclose their name, employer and any relevant conflicts prior to asking his/her question.


In the event of a no-show, the moderator should fill the time with questions and discussion, rather than go to the next speaker. This allows the remaining program to stay on schedule and attendees to hear designated speakers of their choice at the pre-scheduled time.


The moderator may want to briefly summarize the presentations and add a few last minute comments. The moderator will adjourn as closely as possible to the scheduled adjournment time.

BCVS Caregiver Awards

The BCVS Caregiver Award provides $200 to individuals who are registered for the BCVS conference to defray caregiving costs (for school-aged children, older adults, or other caregiving responsibilities) while attending the BCVS 2024 to be held on July 22-25, 2024, at the Hilton Chicago in Chicago, Illinois. Childcare is available at BCVS 2024. View registration information. The goal is to support individuals with this stipend/incentive to allow attendees to fully participate at the BCVS 2024 conference. The award will be given on a first come, first serve basis.


  • Applicant must be a member of the American Heart Association (membership number required to complete award application)
  • Must be registered for BCVS 2024 before applying

Application Instructions:

Important Message to Abstract Submitters

The AHA has moved to a single sign-on process for submitting abstracts and disclosures through our website, Professional Heart Daily.

  • Abstract submitters must have a username and password on Professional Heart Daily to complete their abstract submission when submitting to any AHA scientific meeting.
  • If you do not remember your Professional Heart Daily login information or need to update your personal profile, do not create a new account. Please reach out to AHA Customer Service for assistance:

    AHA Customer Service:
    1-888-242-2453 (Inside U.S.)
    1-214-570-5935 (Outside U.S.)
    Email: [email protected]
    Hours of Operation: Monday-Friday (8 a.m. – 5 p.m.) CT

    Hours of Operation:
    Monday-Friday, 8 a.m. – 5 p.m. CT

  • The AHA is now required to collect financial disclosures from all abstract submitting authors and co-authors.
    • As the submitting author, please be prepared to provide all co-author emails.
    • Co-authors without a complete disclosure will receive separate correspondence to submit this information.