The Link between CKD and CVD

Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is a common, potentially fatal condition that often goes unrecognized, progressing silently and unpredictably until advanced symptoms appear.

Patients with CKD exhibit an elevated cardiovascular risk manifesting as coronary artery disease, heart failure, arrhythmias, and sudden cardiac death. It is critical that health care professionals are aware of the connection between CKD and CVD. This relationship is complex and bidirectional, with each condition increasing the incidence and progression of the other. Early testing and diagnosis of CKD is critical to improving health outcomes for patients by preventing the progression of CKD and CVD.

Podcast Series

Guideline-Directed Medical Therapy and Shared Decision-Making

Presenters: Lourdes Gonzalez Suarez, MD, PhD, Khaled Boubes, MD, Andrew M. South, MD, MS

During this episode, experts discuss utilizing guideline-directed medical therapy (GDMT) to reduce risks of kidney disease, cardiovascular disease, and associated mortality outcomes as well as shared decision-making on available therapies. Listen Now!

Strategies for Ongoing Testing and Follow-Up of Patients with Diabetes

Presenters: Leslie Gewin, MD, Niloofar Nobakht, MD, FASN, Andrew M. South, MD, MS

Experts discuss strategies for ongoing testing and follow-up of patients with diabetes including the role of new therapies in the setting of chronic kidney disease and cardiovascular disease risk. Listen Now!

Early uACR and eGFR Testing to Improve Clinical Outcomes

Presenters: Joshua I. Barzilay, MD, Maria Clarissa Tio, MD, Andrew M. South, MD, MS

Learn about the need for early testing and diagnosis of Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) to improve health outcomes and prevent the progression of CKD and cardiovascular disease (CVD). Listen Now!

Connection between Chronic Kidney Disease and Cardiovascular Disease

Presenters: Michael E. Hall, MD, MS, J. Brian Byrd, MD, MS, Andrew M. South, MD, MS

Experts discuss the common risk factors between chronic kidney disease (CKD) and cardiovascular disease (CVD) and the rate of undiagnosed CKD in persons with CVD, diabetes, and other comorbidities. Learn about new treatments and the need for strategies to prevent CKD.

Other Topics in the Series Coming Soon!

  • Chronic kidney disease awareness, detection, and intervention
  • Achieving optimal outcomes for persons with CKM (cardiovascular-kidney-metabolic) conditions

A Toolkit for Health Care Professionals

AHA Toolkit uACR Cover This toolkit enhances collaboration and communication across an interdisciplinary health care team and helps increase patient education. Content includes causation, prevalence and incidence in undetected CKD, individuals with diabetes and others at risk for CVD, Guideline-Directed Medical Therapy and more.