Top Things to Know: The American Heart Association Emergency Cardiovascular Care 2030 Impact Goals and Call to Action to Improve Cardiac Arrest Outcomes

Published: January 22, 2024

  1. Despite significant advances in research, education, clinical practice, and community-based programs, survival from cardiac arrest remains low.
  2. Significant disparities also exist in cardiac arrest outcomes.
  3. Every 10 years the AHA ECC identifies goals that are aligned with the broader AHA mission and seek to provide guidance for scientists, providers, the lay public, policymakers, and other stakeholders to focus on for improving outcomes from cardiac arrest.
  4. This scientific statement specifically identifies goals to achieve or exceed by 2030 to improve cardiac arrest for all people.
  5. Specific targets are outlined for : bystander cardiopulmonary resuscitation, early defibrillation, and neurologically intact survival.
  6. Equity focused targets also exist for each of these areas with a specific focus on racial/ethnic and other historically marginalized groups and communities with low socioeconomic status
    1. Specific impact goals are below:
    2. For bystander CPR: Increase the rate of BCPR to >50%
    3. For AED application: Increase the proportion of individuals with OHCA in a public setting who have an AED applied before the arrival of EMS to >20%
    4. For survival after OHCA:
      • Adult (>18 years of age): To >8% at home/residence ; To >19% in public settings
      • Pediatric (<1 year of age): To >6% following an initial arrest at home/residence
      • Pediatric (1–12 years of age): To >12% in public setting ; To >11.5% following an initial arrest at home/residence ; To >21% in public setting
      • Pediatric (13–18 years of age):To >17.5% following an initial arrest at home/residence ; To >33% in public setting
    5. For survival after IHCA: Increase survival to hospital discharge with good neurologic outcome (CPC 1 or 2) after IHCA: Adult: To >24% (2020 GWTG-R:16%); Pediatric: To >45%
  7. This statement also includes aspirational goals focused on: cardiac arrest as a reportable disease and mandated reporting of standardized outcomes from different sources , advancing recognition, knowledge, action in multiple settings, dispatch system response, availability and access to resuscitation training in multiple settings and at multiple time points in life, availability, access and affordability of defibrillators, focus on early defibrillation, in-hospital programs and champions for debriefing and review of cardiac arrest events, expansion of measures to track outcomes beyond survival.
  8. Achieving these aspirational goals will require supporting registries to include information about many of factors which impact cardiac arrest incidence, treatment, and outcomes.
  9. This statement has specific opportunities to contribute for patients, providers, publics, scientists, and cardiac arrest related organizations and serves as an aspirational and achievable road map for improved heart health and better survival rates in all communities and for all people.


Merchant RM, Becker LB, Brooks SC, Chan PS, Del Rios M, McBride ME, Neumar RW, Previdi JK, Uzendu A, Sasson C; on behalf of the American Heart Association. The American Heart Association Emergency Cardiovascular Care 2030 Impact Goals and call to action to improve cardiac arrest outcomes: a scientific statement from the American Heart Association. Circulation. Published online January 22, 2024. doi: 10.1161/CIR.0000000000001196