Defining Quality in Cardiovascular Imaging
Published: December 14, 2017

- The key criteria in evaluating quality is whether the procedure would lead to improved patient outcomes, including fewer adverse events and a better patient experience.
- This scientific statement proposes to define quality in cardiovascular (CV) imaging using an analytical framework from the Institute of Medicine (IOM); the framework defines quality in testing based on whether it’s safe, effective, patients-centered, timely, equitable and efficient.
- This scientific statement may serve as the foundation for integrating these quality indicators into establishing designations for quality laboratory practices and developing standards for value-based payment reform for imaging services.
Supporting Materials
- Commentary: "Quality" in Cardiovascular Imaging – Getting to the Heart of the Meaning by David Neville Levin, MD, FRCPC, MSc, BESc (Mech) and Dallas Duncan, MD, BSc, MHSc, FRCPC
- Top Things to Know: Defining Quality in Cardiovascular Imaging
- AHA News: Distressing experiences as a kid impact cardiovascular health later in life
- News Release: Abuse and adversity in childhood linked to more cardiovascular risk in adulthood
Recommended Reading
- Role of Noninvasive Testing in the Clinical Evaluation of Women with Suspected Ischemic Heart Disease
- Approaches to Enhancing Radiation Safety in Cardiovascular Imaging
- ACCF/ACR/AHA/NASCI/SCMR 2010 Expert Consensus Document on Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance
- ACCF/ACR/AHA/NASCI/SAIP/SCAI/SCCT 2010 Expert Consensus Document on Coronary Computed Tomographic Angiography
- ACCF/ASNC/ACR/AHA/ASE/SCCT/SCMR/SNM 2009 Appropriate Use Criteria for Cardiac Radionuclide Imaging