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Effect of Intensive Blood Pressure Control on Cardiovascular Outcomes in Cancer Survivors
Hypertension, Volume 81, Issue 3, Page 620-628, March 1, 2024.
BACKGROUND:To evaluate whether cancer modifies the effect of intensive blood pres...
Efficacy of Immediate Antihypertensive Treatment in Patients With Acute Ischemic Stroke With Different Blood Pressure Genetic Variants
BACKGROUND:To evaluate whether cancer modifies the effect of intensive blood pres...
Hypertension, Volume 81, Issue 3, Page 658-667, March 1, 2024.
BACKGROUND:It remains unclear whether blood pressure (BP) genetic variants could...
Vascular Inflammation and Smooth Muscle Contractility: The Role of Nox1-Derived Superoxide and LRRC8 Anion Channels
BACKGROUND:It remains unclear whether blood pressure (BP) genetic variants could...
Hypertension, Ahead of Print.
Vascular inflammation underlies the development of hypertension, and the mechanisms by which it increases blood pr...
Multifocal, Asymmetric Bilateral Primary Aldosteronism Cannot be Excluded by Strong Adrenal Vein Sampling Lateralization: An International Retrospective Cohort Study
Vascular inflammation underlies the development of hypertension, and the mechanisms by which it increases blood pr...
Hypertension, Volume 81, Issue 3, Page 604-613, March 1, 2024.
BACKGROUND:Primary aldosteronism (PA) has been broadly dichotomized into unilater...
Advanced Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) to Define the Microvascular Injury Driven by Neuroinflammation in the Brain of a Mouse Model of Hypertension
BACKGROUND:Primary aldosteronism (PA) has been broadly dichotomized into unilater...
Hypertension, Ahead of Print.
BACKGROUND:Hypertension is one of the main risk factors for dementia and cognitive impairment.METHODS:We used the...
Self-Measured Blood Pressure–Guided Pharmacotherapy: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of United States-Based Telemedicine Trials
BACKGROUND:Hypertension is one of the main risk factors for dementia and cognitive impairment.METHODS:We used the...
Hypertension, Volume 81, Issue 3, Page 648-657, March 1, 2024.
BACKGROUND:The optimal approach to implementing telemedicine hypertension managem...
Self-Measured Blood Pressure–Guided Pharmacotherapy: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of US-Based Telemedicine Trials
BACKGROUND:The optimal approach to implementing telemedicine hypertension managem...
Hypertension, Ahead of Print.
BACKGROUND:The optimal approach to implementing telemedicine hypertension management in the United States is unkno...
Brain Pathways in Blood Pressure Regulation
BACKGROUND:The optimal approach to implementing telemedicine hypertension management in the United States is unkno...
Hypertension, Volume 81, Issue 3, Page 383-386, March 1, 2024.
P2X7-Mediated Antigen-Independent Activation of CD8+ T Cells Promotes Salt-Sensitive Hypertension
Hypertension, Volume 81, Issue 3, Page 530-540, March 1, 2024.
BACKGROUND:CD8+T cells (CD8Ts) have been implicated in hypertension. However, the...
The Contribution of Declines in Blood Lead Levels to Reductions in Blood Pressure Levels: Longitudinal Evidence in the Strong Heart Family Study
BACKGROUND:CD8+T cells (CD8Ts) have been implicated in hypertension. However, the...
Journal of the American Heart Association, Volume 13, Issue 2, January 16, 2024.
BackgroundChronic lead exposure is associated with both subclin...
BackgroundChronic lead exposure is associated with both subclin...