Atrial Fibrillation

July 2018 - June 2022
Boston University 420 x 280 logo

Research Focus: Advancing Atrial Fibrillation Precision Medicine
Center Director: Emelia Benjamin, MD, ScM, FAHA
Training Director: Emelia Benjamin, MD, ScM, FAHA

Principal Investigators:

Patrick Ellinor, MD, PhD, FAHA
Genomics and Epigenetics of Atrial Fibrillation

Christopher Anderson, MD, MSc
Precision Medicine in Ischemic Stroke and Atrial Fibrillation (PreMISe-AF)

Kathryn Lunetta, PhD
Clinical and Genetic Prediction of Lifetime Risk of Atrial Fibrillation and its Complications

American Heart Association

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American Heart Association

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Cleveland Clinic Logo

Research Focus: Translational Strategies for the Prevention of Atrial Fibrillation Development and Progression
Center Director: Mina K. Chung, MD, FAHA, FACC, FHRS
Training Director: Christine Moravec, PhD

Principal Investigators:

Jonathan Smith, PhD, FAHA
Gene-Aging-Metabolism Interaction in Atrial Fibrillation Pathogenesis

Mina K. Chung, MD, FAHA, FACC, FHRS
Upstream Targeting for the Prevention of AF: Targeting Risk Interventions and Metformin for Atrial Fibrillation (TRIM-AF)

David Van Wagoner, PhD, FAHA, FHRS
Multi-omic Analysis of Atrial Metabolism, Electrophysiology and Atrial Fibrillation Progression

American Heart Association

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American Heart Association

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Northwestern Logo

Research Focus: Atrial Myopathy in Atrial Fibrillation
Center Director: Rod Passman, MD, MSCE
Training Director: Philip Greenland, MD, FAHA

Principal Investigators:

Rishi Arora, MD
The Role of Oxidative Stress in Creatinga Vulnerable Substrate for Atrial Fibrillation in the Intact Atrium

Rod Passman, MD, MSCE
Atrial Myopathy: Structure and Function in AF Ablation

Philip Greenland, MD, FAHA
Atrial Substrate in Atrial Fibrillation and AF-Associated Brain Disease

Vanderbilt University Medical Center

Research Focus: A Novel Molecular Target in Atrial Fibrillation
Center Director: Dan Roden, MD, FAHA
Training Director: Katherine Murray, MD, FAHA

Principal Investigators:

Katherine Murray, MD, FAHA
Reactive Lipid Metabolites as Mediators of AF Susceptibility in Clinical and Genetic Risk Models

M. Benjamin Shoemaker, MD
A First-in-Atrial Fibrillation Trial of a Reactive Lipid Metabolite Scavenger

Dan Roden, MD, FAHA
Identifying Atrial Fibrillation Subtypes Driven by Inflammation

American Heart Association

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Stanford Medicine

Decision Making and Choices to Inform Dialogue and Empower (DECIDE) AFIB Patients Centers

Research Focus: Decision-Making Pathway for Atrial Fibrillation Stroke Prevention

Center Director: Paul Wang, MD, FAHA

Principal Investigators:

Randall Stafford, MD, PhD
Behavioral Science (Prevention/Intervention)

University of Utah

Research Focus: Studying Effectiveness in Patient-centered care
Center Director: Angie Fagerlin, PhD

Principal Investigators:

Victor Montori, MD, MSc
Scan & Optimization of Decision Aids for Atrial Fibrillation (SODA-AF)

Elissa Ozanne, PhD
RED-AF: Randomized Evaluation of Decision Support Interventions for Atrial Fibrillation