GPM Message from the Chair
Thomas Cappola, MD, ScM
I am honored to follow in Carolyn Ho and Tommy Wang’s footsteps as chair of the Genomics and Precision Medicine Council. It is a special privilege for me to follow the remarkable leadership of Dan Roden and Carolyn Ho, who has created a broad portfolio of opportunities for our members. Additionally, I am thrilled to welcome Pankaj Arora as Chair-elect. And I would like to thank all our council leaders and members, for their efforts.
Precision cardiovascular medicine continues to accelerate, driven by rapid advances in understanding disease inheritance, a steady stream of new technologies to study disease mechanism in our patients, remarkable advances in data science, and development of truly targeted therapies—including those that target the genome itself. These trends will continue for years to come and will affect all areas of cardiovascular medicine. Our council leverages these advances to support the AHA’s mission to be a relentless force for a world of longer, healthier lives.
Our members strive to achieve this goal in many ways, from creating a Cardiovascular Medical Genetics Certificate Program that educates future practitioners to championing genomic medicine in underrepresented communities to advancing basic, translational, and clinical research and many other initiatives. We welcome new members at all career stages and from cardiovascular disease areas to join us and bring their creativity and energy.
As the American Heart Association marks its 100th anniversary, it is invigorating to be a part of the Council on Genomic and Precision Medicine, which is only 15 years old and is growing rapidly. I encourage you to get involved—reach out to council leadership with any questions, volunteer to participate in the scientific statements and other Council activities and bring your new ideas and colleagues with you.
Thomas Cappola, MD, ScM
Chair, Council on Genomic and Precision Medicine

Vascular Discovery: From Genes to Medicine
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