ATVB Message from the Chair
Kiran Musunuru, MD, PhD, MPH, ML, MRA, FAHA
Welcome to the Council on Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis and Vascular Biology! It is my pleasure and privilege to serve as the Chair of the ATVB Council as the American Heart Association marks its centennial and launches into its second century.
Through the efforts of American Heart Association volunteers, there has been remarkable progress in the United States and other high-income countries in reducing morbidity and mortality from atherosclerotic and atherothrombotic cardiovascular disease. But there is still so much work to do, as they are now the leading cause of death in middle-income countries and even in low-income countries, becoming the preeminent global health threat of the 21st century. It is just as crucial for us to tackle the numerous less common manifestations of arteriosclerosis, thrombotic disorders, and vascular diseases. Our Council's goal, as it has been since the Council first came into being, is to engage scientists and clinicians working to improve the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of all of these conditions around the globe.
In addition to this, we are very proud of our journal, ATVB. This high-impact journal publishes original research findings subjected to rigorous peer review and solicits reviews from authoritative leaders in our field. The ATVB Journal recently celebrated its 40th anniversary, and in 2019 – 2021, our members had two papers published and 44 co-published.
Science is our strength. We promote the learnings from the research and clinical translation efforts of our membership through the Vascular Discovery: From Genes to Medicine Scientific Sessions, held each spring, and the American Heart Association Scientific Sessions, held each fall. These conferences offer attendees unmatched opportunities to share their work, learn about late-breaking science, and build and engage with international networks. Our Council's affiliated journal, ATVB, is a venue for the publication of original research findings, cutting-edge review articles, scientific statements generated by our Council, and member perspectives. We foster the career development of trainees and early career members through a series of year-round webinars, events at our conferences, and a variety of travel grants and awards.
We have highly engaged members who not only further the mission of our Council but also build leadership experience and further their professional development by serving on one of our many committees. We are always on the lookout for fresh perspectives. As opportunities arise, I encourage you to apply for open positions on our Early Career Committee, Membership Committee, Nominating & Awards Committee, Women's Leadership Committee, Scientific & Clinical Education Lifelong Learning (SCILL) Committee, Diversity Committee, Communications Committee, Vascular Discovery Program Committee, Irvine H. Page Young Investigator Award Selection Committee, Kenneth M. Brinkhous Young Investigator Award Selection Committee, ATVB & PVD Investigators in Training Award Selection Committee, and ATVB & Lifestyle Clinical Lipidology, Lipoprotein, Metabolism & Thrombosis Committee.
Without question, the membership is the lifeblood of our Council. If you are a clinician, scientist, or trainee interested in arteriosclerosis, lipoproteins, thrombosis, vascular biology, or vascular disease, I highly encourage you to join the ATVB Council and consider ATVB your career home.
Best Wishes,
Kiran Musunuru, MD, PhD, MPH, ML, MRA, FAHA
Chair, Council on Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis and Vascular Biology

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Vascular Discovery: From Genes to Medicine
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