Helen B. Taussig Memorial Lecture

Sponsored by the Council on Lifelong Congenital Heart Disease and Heart Health in the Young

In 1973, a lecture in honor of Helen B. Taussig was established by the executive committee of the Council on Lifelong Congenital Heart Disease and Heart Health in the Young. The lecture was first presented in 1975, then rotated with the T. Duckett Jones Lecture (est. 1962) and the Alexander Nadas Lecture (est. 1986). A world famous pediatric cardiologist, Dr. Taussig is best known for her work with children born with serious heart defects. In the 1940's, she and the late Dr. Alfred Blalock co-developed the first surgical procedure for the relief of pulmonary stenosis. Dr. Taussig, a graduate of The Johns Hopkins Medical School, became the first woman to become a full professor at Hopkins. A founder and the first president of the American Heart Association's Maryland Affiliate, Dr. Taussig was named the first woman president of the national association in 1965.

Awardees of the Helen B. Taussig Memorial Lecture Prize-Winning Presentations

Awardees of the Helen B. Taussig Memorial Lecture Prize-Winning Presentations
Year Awardee Honoree and Presentation Title
2021 Roberta G. Williams, MD, FAHA - "CHD -Did We Have All The Fun or Is This Just The Beginning?"
2018 Daniel J. Penny, MD, PhD, MHA, FAHA - "Working Together Towards New Levels of Excellence in the Care of Children With Heart Disease"
2015 H. Scott Baldwin, MD, FAHA - "The Role of Developmental Biology in the Management of Congenital Heart Disease: Irrelevant or Essential?"
2012 William Norwood, Jr, MD - "Complex Heart Defects of the Neonate: A Personal View"
2009 Andrew Redington, MD - "Tetralogy and Turmoil: From Children to Adults and Back Again"
2006 David Driscoll, MD, FAHA - "Plato, Epistemology, and Cardiology, Or, Should Doctors Think Like Lawyers?"
2003 Dudley Woodrow Benson, Jr., MD, PhD - "Genetic origins of cardiac arrhythmias in the young: From ATG to TGA"
2000 Edward B. Clark, MD - "Genetics, Evolution and the Etiology of Congenital Cardiovascular Malformation"
1997 Christine E. Seidman, MD - "Genes that Pattern the Heart: A Molecular Basis for Congenital Heart Disease"
1994 John Burn, MD - "Molecular Basis of Cardiac Morphogenesis"
1991 Madison S. Spach, MD - "Linkage of Reentrant Arrhythmias, Connective Tissue Development, and Side-to-Side Separation of Cardiac Cells"
1988 Catherine A. Neill, MD - "Tetralogy of Fallot: The Next 100 Years"
1985 Dan G. McNamara, MD - "Sudden Cardiac Death of Infants, Children, and Adolescents: Possible Means of Prevention"
1983 Abraham M. Rudolph, MD - "Perinatal Changes in Cardiac Output: Clinical Implications"
1981 William J. Rashkind, MD - "The Treatment of Congenital Heart Disease with Cardiac Catheter"J.
1977 Alexander S. Nadas, MD - "The Passing of the Torch"
1975 James W. DuShane, MD - "Pediatric Cardiology: Past, Present and Future"


The award will be presented at Scientific Sessions.

The honoree will also receive:

  • Honorarium of $1,000
  • Complimentary registration to Scientific Sessions
  • Two (2) complimentary tickets to the Council Dinner
  • Engraved plaque
  • Round-trip coach airfare to Scientific Sessions
  • Hotel reimbursement (room + tax) for one night at the conference rate
  • Ground transportation to and from the airport
  • Meal reimbursement up to $70


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