Shobha Ghosh Investigator in Training Award
Sponsored by the Council on Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis and Vascular Biology
To qualify for this Vascular Discovery: From Genes to Medicine award you must meet the following deadlines:
- Deadline to have an active AHA membership with the ATVB or PVD Council: November 6, 2024
- Deadline to submit your science to Vascular Discovery: From Genes to Medicine and to apply for this award: November 20, 2024.
The Shobha Ghosh Investigator in Training Award recognizes talented early career investigators in training (pre-doctoral and post-doctoral) in arteriosclerosis, thrombosis and vascular biology, as well as peripheral vascular disease, who are members of the ATVB Council or PVD Council and have potential to become future leaders.
The applicant must
- Be a member of the American Heart Association (membership number required to complete award application).
- All applicants for the award must be members of the Council on Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis, and Vascular Biology or the council on Peripheral Vascular Disease.
- Candidates include pre-doctoral trainees and post-doctoral fellows (PhD, DSc, DVM, MD, etc.) actively conducting research in ATVB- or PVD-related fields. Candidates with over five years' post-doctoral training or with an instructor or faculty appointment at the award application date are not eligible.
- Applicants must submit an abstract describing new, unpublished work to Vascular Discovery 2025 and be the first author of the submitted abstract. Abstract must meet the annual conference criteria and be selected for presentation.
- Previous winners are not eligible to apply.
- Finalists from previous years are eligible to reapply if they were not selected as a winner. However, they must re-apply with a different abstract to be considered.
- The work covered by the abstract must not have been published at the time of abstract submission or presented at a national meeting or world congress before April 22, 2025. The abstract must comply with the AHA Abstract Submission Guidelines as outlined by the Vascular Discovery program committee.
- Be present at the Vascular Discovery 2025 Scientific Sessions to qualify for this award.
- An individual may not compete for similar early investigator awards from ATVB or PVD councils at Vascular Discovery or American Heart Association Scientific Sessions with the same abstract submission.
- There are no citizenship requirements.
Judging Criteria
Prizes will be designated on the basis of scientific merit, quality, and originality of the abstract presentation. Finalists for the award will present his/her submission during an oral competition at the conference. The finalist must be presenter of his/her submission and no alternates or proxy will be allowed.
- The finalists will present their abstracts during an oral competition the Vascular Discovery Scientific Sessions. The winner will receive an engraved plaque and $1,000 to defray travel costs. Other finalists will each receive a plaque and a $500 travel stipend.
How to Apply
The applicant must
- Submit an original abstract to the Vascular Discovery 2025 Scientific Sessions and applicant must be the first author of the submitted abstract. The abstract must be in accordance with the rules and regulations for submitting abstracts and must have been submitted by the abstract submission deadline.
- Select the Shobha Ghosh Investigator in Training Award during the abstract submission process.
- The following must be submitted by uploading into the abstract submission system (at the “Award Application Materials Upload” step):
- A cover letter declaring the application for the Shobha Ghosh Investigator in Training Award.
- A complete curriculum vitae, including bibliography, and clear documentation demonstrating that the applicant is a pre-doctoral trainee or post-doctoral fellow actively conducting research in ATVB- or PVD-related fields at the time of application (PhD, DSc, DVM, MD, etc.). Candidates with over five years post-doctoral training or with an instructor or faculty appointment at the award application date are not eligible.
- 2024 Carrie B. Wiese, PhD
- 2023 Yannick Cyr, PhD
- 2022 Qian Ma, PhD
- 2021 Mabruka Alfaidi, MD