Laennec Fellow in Training FIT Clinician Award Finalists Presentations
Each year the Council on Clinical Cardiology sponsors the Laennec Young Clinician Award which recognizes the importance of clinical acumen, inductive analytic skills, and teaching ability in future academic cardiologists. The presentations below were Laennec Fellow in Training (FIT) Clinician Award Finalists in 2018.
2018 Winner
A Coronary Bloodsucker: A Parasitizing Anomalous Cause of Sporadic Exertional Chest Pain
Presented by James Sawalla Guseh II, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, Mass.
2018 Finalists
Primary Presentation of Pulmonary Hypertension in the Peripartum: Preparing for Patients with Eisenmenger’s Physiology
Presentd by Malamo E. Countouris, University of Pittsburgh Cardiovascular Institute, Pittsburgh, Pa.
Not Your Average ST Elevation: A Rare Case of NK-T Cell Lymphoma with Cardiac Involvement (PDF)
Presented by Stephanie Feldman, Boston Medical Center, Boston, Mass.
A Life-Threatening Infection In The Cardiac Intensive Care Unit: When A Broken Heart Gives You A Rash (PDF)
Presented by Anirudh Kumar, Cleveland Clinic Foundation, Cleveland, Ohio
It’s All In The Tissue: A Rare Case of Acute Cardiogenic Shock (PDF)
Presented by Nikhil Narang, The University of Chicago Medical Center, Chicago, Ill.

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