Young Hearts Council Committee Descriptions

Mission Statement

Young Hearts will be a leader in pediatric onset cardiovascular disease research, education, prevention and advocacy by: 1) providing unique opportunities between scientists focusing on congenital, acquired, and preventive research from the fetus to the adult, 2) developing robust educational programming, 3) fostering collaboration between provider and patient communities, and 4) promoting a lifespan approach to cardiovascular prevention throughout the AHA.

View the full Young Heart Council committee rosters


  • Provide input into the AHA's science positions as they relate to cardiovascular disease in the young.
  • Guide and direct the council's programs.
  • Develop recommendations for needed activities in the areas of science, medicine and research interests, and subjects for conferences that the council believes the association should address.
  • Approve an annual budget for discretionary fund activities and oversee all expenditures.
  • Identify members to serve on writing groups for scientific statements, advisories and guidelines, and to review journal articles, serve as journal editors and editorial board members.
  • Provide input into community education and patient education programs.
  • Explore and provide opportunities for early career investigators to interact/mentor with others in their field of interest.
  • Involve the council in association-wide strategic planning.
  • Provide nominations to SACC for AHA officers, board and national committee members and awards.


  • Align council communications to facilitate the transfer of information that will further the goals and missions of the council and AHA.
  • Continually improve and enhance the council newsletter and Web site to meet the needs of the membership.
  • Working with AHA staff, edit and publish quarterly issues of the AHA Connections newsletter each year and continually update the content of the council Web site.
  • Direct and promote increased internal communication through the council’s newsletter, online services, Web page and other applicable resources and modes of communication.

Early Career & Mentoring

  • Provide input to the council regarding the needs of early career members, and how the council might meet these needs.
  • Actively recruit early career members to the council.
  • Participate in the AHA Scientific Sessions Program planning and develop other educational programs targeted toward early career members.
  • Participate in AHA Scientific Sessions.
  • Direct and promote increased internal communication through the council’s newsletter, online services, Web page and other applicable resources and modes of communication that serve as a source for information regarding: council programs, including the Visiting Professorship Program, opportunities at the national and local level, the release or publication of new guidelines or scientific statements, scientific conferences, current advocacy programs and initiatives, etc.


  • Prepare and present to the Leadership Committee nominations for the subcommittees as terms expire.
  • Prepare and submit to the AHA Nominating/Awards Committee nominations for AHA officers, board members, committees and awards.
  • Review council awards criteria and procedures periodically and make revisions as needed.


  • Solicit and develop plans for plenaries, Sunday morning programs, how-to sessions and evening sessions for the AHA’s annual Scientific Sessions.
  • Assign and monitor grading of abstracts submitted to Scientific Sessions within the categories related to the council’s fields of expertise.
  • Review applicants for council junior investigator awards to be presented at Scientific Sessions.

Atherosclerosis, Hypertension, & Obesity in the Young (AHOY)

  • Advance the science related to the screening, detection and treatment of atherosclerosis, hypertension and obesity in children.
  • Develop new science advisories and guidelines, and revise/update existing advisories and guidelines.
  • Develop education program content for scientific conferences and meetings.
  • Respond to requests for expert testimony on behalf of the American Heart Association to federal agencies.
  • Advocate for reimbursement programs related to counseling patients and their families.
  • Respond to requests from the AHA Office of Communications for interviews with the media.
  • Assist the AHA in establishing research priorities related to the development and treatment of cardiovascular diseases and stroke in children.
  • Support AHA efforts for implementing treatment guidelines for children with atherosclerosis, lipid disorders, hypertension and obesity in children including the identification of effective benchmark programs for risk reduction.

Adults with Congenital Heart Disease (ACHD) (Joint Young Hearts & Clinical Cardiology)

  • Review and evaluate new medical/scientific knowledge in the field of adult congenital heart disease.
  • Initiate the creation of scientific statements or science advisories on the diagnosis and treatment of adults with congenital heart disease.
  • Stimulate development and accumulation of further knowledge in the field.
  • Provide guidance for educational matters related to adult congenital heart disease and prepare educational materials for physicians and other health providers relevant to the topic.
  • Participate in AHA scientific conferences, and/or prepare booklets, pamphlets, and other material for the public.

Congenital Cardiac Defects (CCD)

  • Review and evaluate new medical knowledge in the field of congenital heart defects as it affects prevention of cardiac anomalies, and care and treatment of patients with congenital heart defects; assist in suitable recommendations and standards for care; stimulate development and accumulation of further knowledge in the field; and furnish guidance for educational matters related to congenital defects.
  • Developing AHA-approved medical/scientific statements, participating in AHA scientific conferences, and/or preparing booklets, pamphlets, and other material for the public, particularly for families of children with congenital heart defects.

Rheumatic Fever, Endocarditis, & Kawasaki Disease (RFEKD)

  • Review and evaluate new medical/scientific knowledge in the field of cardiac infectious diseases — particularly rheumatic fever, infective endocarditis and Kawasaki disease.
  • Prepare scientific statements related to cardiac infectious diseases — particularly rheumatic fever, infective endocarditis and Kawasaki disease.
  • Stimulate development and accumulation of further knowledge in the field.
  • Develop scientific conferences related to these infectious diseases.
  • Furnish guidance for educational matters related to these diseases.
  • Participate in AHA scientific conferences, and/or prepare booklets, pamphlets and other material for the public.
black male doctor

AHA Professional Members are Difference Makers