Council on Peripheral Vascular Disease Message from the Chair

Esther S.H. Kim, MD, MPH, FAHA

Esther S.H. Kim, MD, MPH, FAHAWhat an honor it is to serve as the Chair of the Council on Peripheral Vascular Disease (PVD). I have been a member of the AHA for nearly twenty years and joined early during my career stage because I recognized the impact that the AHA has on public health, scientific advancement, cardiovascular education, and patient care. One of the major strengths of our council is the multidisciplinary collaboration amongst our members which allows us to broaden the reach of our initiatives, all towards the goal of improving health for all patients affected by vascular disease. I am so proud to be a part of this vibrant community.

The PVD council is dedicated to the sharing of scientific knowledge and has dedicated programming at two primary meetings:

One of the major initiatives of the PVD Council has been the formation of the Vascular Health Advisory Committee (VHAC), which has led to the development of the PAD National Action Plan and the PAD Collaborative. These initiatives are led by members of the PVD Council and are sure to improve the lives of patients living with PAD. VHAC has now also commissioned the VTE task force to make strides in the care of patients with venous thromboembolic disease.

Our council has been active in the development of Guidelines and Statements related to vascular diseases, and over the next several years, we will continue to see the publication of practice-changing documents currently in process. We welcome your suggestions on topics that would be of keen interest to the vascular community, whether they be for programming at one of our meetings or for new guidelines and statements.

The PVD council is comprised of a multidisciplinary group of members who are passionate about the study of vascular disease and the improvement of the lives of patients living with vascular disease. I invite you to become a member of the council and join these exciting efforts. If you are already a member, please review whether you meet the criteria to become a Fellow of the American Heart Association (FAHA). There is always work to be done, and if you are also passionate about vascular disease, I invite you to apply for a PVD Council committee position. Please do not hesitate to reach out to me with any questions regarding the PVD Council. I look forward to serving with all of you over the next two years.

Esther S.H. Kim, MD, MPH, FAHA
Chair, Council on Peripheral Vascular Disease (PVD)

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