Women's Leadership Committee Resources for Professional Development

Discover a wide range of professional development resources related to Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis and Vascular Biology. Whether you're interested in improving your teaching skills with a few new concepts or are interested in acquiring an advanced degree, we have the advice and resources to help further develop and improve your career!

Professional Development Resources
Document Title / Author
Climbing Through Medicines Glass Ceiling (PDF)
Nancy C. Andrews, MD, PhD
Changing The Culture of Academic Medicine (PDF)
Hannah Valantine, MD, Christy I. Sandborg, MD
Diversity In Women Leaders (PDF)
None Provided
Defining, Navigating, and Negotiating Success The Experiences of Mid-Career Robert Wood Johnson Clinical Scholar Women (PDF)
Adina L. Kalet, MD, MPH, Kathlyn E. Fletcher, MD, Dina J. Ferdman, BS, Nina A. Bickell, MD
How stereotypes Impair Women’s Careers In Science (PDF)
Ernesto Reubena, Paola Sapienzab, Luigi Zingalesc
Women Faculty: An Analysis of Their Experiences in Academic Medicine and Their Coping Strategies (PDF)
Linda H. Pololi, MBBS, MRCP, Sandra J. Jones, PhD
Commentary: A Call for Culture Change in Academic Medicine (PDF)
Deborah Powell, MD, James L. Scott, MD, Michael Rosenblatt, MD, Paul B. Roth, MD
Linda Pololi, MBBS
Gender Differences in Academic Productivity and Leadership Appointments (PDF)
Darcy A. Reed, MD, MPH Felicity Enders, PhD, Rachel Lindor, Martha McClees, Keith D. Lindor, MD
Is There Still a Glass Ceiling for Women in Academic Surgery? (PDF)
Ying Zhuge, MD, Joyce Kaufman, MD, Diane M. Simeone, MD, Herbert Chen, MD, Omaida C. Velazquez, MD

Grant Funding

Discover a wide range of professional development resources related to ATVB. Whether you are interested in obtaining grant funding or improving your teaching skills with a few new concepts or in acquiring an advanced degree, we have the advice and resources to help further develop and improve your career.

AHA Mentoring Handbook, Second Edition (PDF)

This handbook was written by the AHA Early Career Investigator/Clinician Task Force, in recognition of the importance of the mentor-protégé relationship, especially for individuals early their careers. Based on experiences from AHA events including the Epidemiology Ten-Day Seminar and Hypertension summer school, the AHA Mentoring handbook focuses on general and specific aspects of the mentor-protégé relationship, concerns for clinical science, basic science, population sciences, and women and minorities in the areas of cardiovascular disease and stroke.

The handbook begins by describing the mentor-protégé relationship and also explains the emotional bond inherent in the mentoring relationship and the differences between a mentor and an advisor. It also provides advice for how to choose an appropriate mentor, someone who a protégé can respect and trust, and someone who can be accessible to their needs and be their advocate in the University and beyond.

Tips and guidelines for both the mentors and protégés are provided to aid in creating an open, honest and productive relationship. The handbook discusses the protégé's responsibilities to determine their own career goals and aspirations, and responsibilities to work hard, respect their mentor’s time and obligations, and accept feedback and criticism in order to improve.

The handbook describes a good mentor as one who is aware of the protégé’s long-term career and personal goals, assisting them in achieving these goals, while providing appropriate and useful feedback on skills, successes and failures.

The handbook provides specialized advice for those pursuing research in the fields of basic, clinical and population-based science. Each section discusses special concerns for the mentor, protégé and institution within the research field, as well as considerations for career advancement, opportunities and pitfalls one may encounter.