Science News from Vascular Discovery 2019
Vascular Discovery: From Genes to Medicine
Scientific Sessions 2019
Formerly ATVB|PVD Scientific Sessions
Marriott Copley Square Hotel | Boston, Massachusetts
Sponsored by: Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis and Vascular Biology Council
Peripheral Vascular Disease Council and Genomics & Precision Medicine Council
2019 Early Career Investigator Award Recipients

Katey Rayner | Ottowa, ON, Canada
Extracellular Vesicles Secreted by Atherogenic Macrophages Transfer microRNA to Inhibit Cell Migration
Jan. 1, 2018 | ATVB

Keith B. Neeves | Golden, CO
Platelets Drive Thrombus Propagation in a Hematocrit and Glycoprotein VI Dependent Manner in an in vitro Venous Thrombosis Model
May 1, 2018 | ATVB

Katherine A Gallagher | Ann Arbor, MI
Ly6CHi Blood Monocyte/ Macrophage Drive Chronic Inflammation and Impair Would Healing in Diabetes
April 1, 2018 | ATVB
Wednesday's selected science
Intersections between the vascular system and cancer
Kathleen Martin, PhD interviews Rosandra Kaplan, MD about her research on perivascular cell plasticity in metastatic progression, which she presented Wednesday morning in the plenary session "Intersections Between the Vascular System and Cancer."
Lessons from the AHA Strategically Focused Research Network on Vascular Disease
Aruna Pradhan, MD, MPH, chair of the AHA Council on Peripheral Vascular Disease, interview Francis Miller, MD, Director of the Oversight Committee for the AHA SFRN on Vascular Disease about the lessons being learned from this new approach to research.
More newsworthy science presented Tuesday
- AHA News release: Injections of a novel protein reduced artery blockage by enhancing lymphatic vascular function in mice(link opens in new window)(opens in new window)
Abstract: Early Rescue of Lymphatic Function Limits Atherosclerosis Progression in Ldlr-/- Mice (opens in new window)(link opens in new window)
Andreea Milasan | Montreal Heart Institute, Montreal, QC, Canada
- AHA News story: Dangerous blood clots may be the latest risk from 'bad' cholesterol (opens in new window)(link opens in new window)
Abstract: Genetic Analysis Implicates LDL Cholesterol Reduction and Plasminogen Activator-inhibitor 1 Antagonism as Therapeutic Interventions for Venous Thromboembolism (opens in new window)(link opens in new window)
Scott M Damrauer | Department of Surgery, Perlman School of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA
Microbial Colonization Restores Neointimal Hyperplasia Development After Arterial Injury in Germ-Free Mice
Edmund B Chen | Northwestern University, Feinberg School of Medicine, Chicago, IL
- RESULTS: Fecal transplantation into germ free mice suggests that gut microbiota may play a role in hyperplastic neointimal development and arterial remodeling.
- Chen's Abstract (opens in new window)(link opens in new window)

Correlation of Clinical Risk Scores for Stroke with Carotid Plaque Gene Expression Profiles in Atherosclerotic Patients
Katarina Wadén | Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, Sweden
- RESULTS: Plaque vulnerability, a molecular process, was associated with high clinical risk scores for stroke using the ABCD2 clinical risk score and Carotid Artery Risk (CAR) scores. The most upregulated gene in high-risk groups, ABCB5, was identified as a key novel gene in unstable plaque.
- Wadén's Abstract (opens in new window)(link opens in new window)

Efferocytosis-stimulating Nanoparticles for Precision Atherosclerosis Therapy
Alyssa M. Flores | Stanford University, Stanford, CA
- RESULTS: Precision-targeted nanotherapeutics normalized the atherosclerotic plaque by targeting the "don't eat me" molecule, CD47. CD47 that makes cells resistant to the removal of dead cells from the vessel walls (effercytosis).
- Flores' Abstract (opens in new window)(link opens in new window)

Coronary Atheroma Regression from Serial Infusions of Autologous Selectively Delipidated Preβ-HDL-enriched Plasma on Coronary Atheroma in Patients With Homozygous Familial Hypercholesterolemia in the HALO-FH Trial
Brian Ghoshhajra | Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA
- RESULTS: A first-of-its-kind treatment rapidly reversed coronary atherosclerosis in patients with homozygous familial hypercholesterolemia (HoFH).
- Ghoshhajra's Abstract (opens in new window)(link opens in new window)
Young Investigator Awards
ATVB Kenneth M. Brinkhous Young Investigator Prize in Thrombosis Finalists
The Brinkhous Prize recognizes outstanding endeavors by new investigators in fundamental and applied research in thrombosis.

Ashley Brown | North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC

Lacramioara Ivanciu | Children's Hospital of Philadelphia / University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA

WINNER! Tine Wyseure | University of California, San Diego, La Jolla, CA
Extended Stability of Activated TAFI Normalizes Vascular Dysfunction in Hemophilic Joint Disease in Mice (abstract opens in new window)(link opens in new window)

Ze Zheng | Columbia University Medical Center, New York City, NY
ATVB Irvine H. Page Young Investigator Research Award Finalists
The Page Award encourages investigators to continue careers in arteriosclerosis and vascular biology and recognizes talented investigators at an early or beginning point in their careers.

Alison B Kohan | University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT

Ekaterina Koltsova | Fox Chase Cancer Center, Philadelphia, PA

Bhama Ramkhelawon | NYU Medical Center, New York, NY

WINNER! Robert Wirka | Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA
Single Cell Transcriptional Landscape of Atherosclerosis in Mice and Humans Reveals a Critical Role for Coronary Disease Gene TCF21 (abstract opens in new window)(link opens in new window)
More newsworthy science presented Wednesday
- AHA News Release: "Smart" molecules that selectively target abnormal cell growth in blood vessels may reduce reoccurring blockage after stenting (opens in new window)(link opens in new window)
AHA News story: Artificial molecules could lead to better heart stents (opens in new window)(link opens in new window)
Abstract: Improving Drug-eluting Stents Using Novel Cell-targeting Ligands (opens in new window)(link opens in new window)
William H Thiel, University of Iowa, Division of Cardiovascular Medicine, Iowa City, IA

Robert W. Hobson II MD Early Career Investigator Award
Winner A. Phillip Owens III, PhD, of the University of Cincinnati is flanked by AHA volunteers Aruna Pradhan, MD, MPH and Naomi M. Hamburg, MD, MS.

Alan T. Hirsch MD Mid-Career Award in Vascular Medicine
Pictured left to right: Aruna Pradhan, MD, MPH, award winner Ashish K. Sharma, MBBS, PhD of the University of Florida, and Naomi M. Hamburg, MD, MS.

Acute Myocardial Infarction Accelerates Breast Cancer Progression Through Innate Immunity
Kathryn Moore | New York University Langone Health, New York, NY
- RESULTS: In animal models of breast cancer, an acute myocardial infarction (AMI) increased tumor growth and metastatic burden with changes in the tumor microenvironment and tumor immune cell.
- Moore's Abstract (opens in new window)(link opens in new window)
Coronary Artery Disease-associated Genetic Variants Increased Lipa Expression and Overexpression of Lipa Induced Atherogenic Phenotypes in Macrophages
Fang Li | Department of Medicine, Columbia University Irving Medical Center, New York, NY
- RESULTS: Genetic variants associated with coronary artery disease increased LIPA expression which caused more atherogenic phenotypes in macrophages.
- Fang's Abstract (opens in new window)(link opens in new window)